Belgian based translator, author and photographer
I spent 32 years of my professional life in the language department of a large Belgian financial institution. This involved localizing a wide range of business, financial and legal texts, mainly from Dutch and English into German (my mother tongue). I was closely involved in the selection and company-wide implementation of all kinds of language technology, which has made some huge leaps in these three decades.

The Belgian carillonneur Luc Rombouts invited me to contribute the photographic work for two of his publications. The result of this wonderful collaboration are the books "Singing Towers" and "De Vredesbeiaard van de Abdij van het Park" (Peace Carillon of the Park Abbey).

ISBN 978-9-0590-8876-4

ISBN 978-2-8081-0290-2
Sky Calendar
Since 2021 I am co-author of the astronomical almanac, "Hemelkalender", of the Flemish Association for Astronomy (Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde).

The most comprehensive translation project I worked on was this textbook Astronomical Algorithms (Sky Publishing Company, Cambridge/MA, ISBN: 978-0943396613). I translated it into German (J. A. Barth, Leipzig/Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3335003182), where it went through two editions.